Branding, Creativity
About This Project

CLIENT: Fundación Guné, Barcelona (Spain).

PROJECT: Going towards full gender equality is only possible if we commit ourselves. With this idea, the Guné Foundation of Barcelona launched the “Let’s recreate the world and eradicate gender violence” campaign together with the Association of Sub-Saharan Immigrant Women (ADIS), the Union of Cultural Associations of expatriates in the Kedougou region (UACRK).

For 15 days, from June 21 to July 5, the campaign called on the public to take personal commitments to end gender inequality. The “Let’s recreate the world” campaign – -, which carries the motto “Ideas, Convictions, Character” appeals to the personal values that must be taken to face discrimination. Thus, citizens are asked to be active and participate by sending their commitments to promote gender equity. We encourage you to participate by sending your commitments by writing an email to [email protected] or you can also send them by posting videos or photographs on your Facebook or Twitter profiles.

During this 2016-2017 academic year, 220 students from the Monte Perdido de Terrassa Institute and the Bellulla Institute of Canovelles have already participated in the “Let’s recreate the world and eradicate gender violence” program and have taken on their own commitment to achieve a fairer and more equitable world. in this video. Among the commitments that have taken the youth stand out: “not generate sexist stereotypes”, “defend the rights of women”, “denounce when a case of sexist violence is present”, “fight against female genital mutilation”.

From La Machi we were in charge of the following tasks:

  • Design of the campaign logo.
  • Design and development of the informative website.
  • Design of six panels for the itinerant exhibition of the project.