Papa Francisco Tag

Pope Francis received the agreement that establishes “The Pope Video” as a didactic material to educate children and youth. They were with the Pope, Fr Frédéric Fornos, sj, International Director of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer); José María del Corral and Enrique Palmeyro, directors of the Pontifical Scholas Occurrentes Foundation and Juan Della Torre, CEO of the La Machi Agency – Communication for Good Causes, the three institutions that sign the agreement.

The Pope Video became official as teaching material and will be used in educational centers to strengthen spaces of motivation, creativity and understanding of the challenges of humanity that Pope Francis presents each month. The objective will be to capitalize the project and focus it towards a dynamic applicable to the path of Francis’ intentions.

The initiative created for the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer), spreads a new vision and values towards a world “more respectful, with appreciation and that can only be generated in a childhood and youth involved in the faith and in hope, “according to one of the materials created for the workshops.

The signatories of the agreement expressed that “the educational facts are not only given in the school, but in different cultural areas, with their different modalities. The educational fact of construction also occurs in non-physical spaces that we can create at any time, place, in any language and counting on what surrounds us “.

The agreement seeks to promote the development of new convictions, attitudes and ways of life. In pursuit of a better world and that can generate in children and young people to think what kind of concrete actions can be undertaken to improve human relations. The material will be used in workshop mode, which will allow “The Pope Video” to function as a starting point for different activities, be they artistic, playful or recreational.

“The Pope Video” has been launched in January of this year as the new platform through which Pope Francis invites men and women from all over the world to join in their intentions for the challenges of humanity.

About The Video of the Pope

The Pope Video is a global initiative developed by the World Network of Prayer of the Pope (Apostleship of Prayer) to spread the monthly intentions of the Holy Father on the challenges of humanity. It has the support of the Centro Televisivo Vaticano (CTV), sole owner of the image rights of the Pope. Month after month he accompanies Pope Francis in his prayer requests.

More information at:


Last January 6th was the official launching of The Pope Video, a global proposal of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network to publicize the universal intentions of prayer of Pope Francis through viral videos in which, month by month, one of “the great challenges of humanity” will be addressed in each case.

It is considered a milestone that after 75 years of the invention of the first advertising spot (the commercial of 10 seconds created for the Bulova jewelry brand issued on July 1, 1941 in the United States), the Vatican decided to launch a spot for the first time. viral to accompany the Pope in his prayer requests.

From La Machi we had the challenge of leading the idea, development and dissemination of The Pope Video. It is undoubtedly an unprecedented experience, both for us and for the history of communication. It is the first time that a kind of spot is made to spread the intentions of the Holy Father, something that we achieved thanks to the support of the Centro Televisivo Vaticano (CTV), responsible for the images of Pope Francis and a prominent creative and production team in charge of shape each video.

We work for our client, the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer), with the same processes and standards that any international agency can use with any of its clients. The most original part of this project is to have had to write a script and found it in the Magisterium, read encyclicals, messages and other documents, in order to build new words about the Magisterium and that the Pope says on camera.

The idea arises as a means of new evangelization: to transmit the message of always with all the power of the new media, with the ambition to go a step further in the purpose of updating the communication of the Church. The Pope’s monthly intentions have been known for more than a century and a half, but they were not known by the great majority of Catholics.

We never imagined that the video was going to be received with such transcendence. Only in the first week of Internet presence, visits posted on YouTube, Facebook, etc. exceeded 4,200,000. A figure that multiplies exponentially by adding reproductions of the video in newspapers and other media around the world that have published it.

If we add the potential daily audience of all these media, we exceed the approximate number of 115 million people. For us it is a success, a grace, that this very necessary message of peace and unity transcends and goes around the world. From China to the United States, we have launched it in ten languages. The first communication campaign of history with a Supreme Pontiff as protagonist was installed in the viral imaginary.


Imagine that you are an arsonist. And now imagine that you are being paid an indecent amount of money for setting fire to all the fire trucks in the world. Imagine also that you do it in front of everyone, that no one stops you, that some people even smile, and some smart men paint their trucks with red colour so you burn them, so you are paid more and, in turn, send them a commission.

Finally, imagine that a devastating fire results from your actions. There are no fire trucks left. You have burned them all. You use the buckets of water, remember? A disaster … Good. This is exactly what we are doing with the planet, which is the ship in which we all travel. (Reread the headline of this article).

Pope Francis has never hidden his enormous concern before what he considers one of the greatest challenges of humanity, the custody of creation. He has come to say that “creation is not a property, of which we can dispose to our liking; much less, it is a property only of some, of a few “(…)” Creation is a gift, it is a wonderful gift that God has given us to take care of it and use it for the benefit of all, always with great respect and gratitude.

His concern is so great and so logical – it seems that the ship has too many holes and that there are many arsonists- that he has published an Encyclical dedicated to the protection of the creation. It is called “Laudato Si” – Praise be to you –, in homage to Saint Francis of Assisi.

The environment is not understood without man, who understands it and turns it understandable; who communicates with it and communicates it. It is, of all good causes, one of the first that should be communicated. And for this it is not enough with a mention in the packaging of the products. It is a transversal attitude of the whole company. It is the attitude of the “marketing brother”.

But call us. These things are explained better in person. Because, we all agree, a person communicates better than a screen.

How will the new ecological encyclical affect the management of institutions?

Few times in contemporary history an ecclesial document has caused as much stir in the institutions as Laudato Sii. Why has Exxon sent – without much success – a delegation of lobbyists to the Vatican as the last slap of drowning?

The Pope is no longer the Pope. Today he is the world leader of men of good will, regardless of their religion or race. And I do not say it, Google says it and it does not lie, since he is the most googled character in the world. And in Facebook and Twitter as well. The Pope is no longer just the Pope.

This encyclical is embarrassing more than one CEO or Marketing Director of the multinationals. Francis, true to his style, does not cover anything and attacks everything. But this time not only with theological and moral arguments, but also with the power of science and numbers objectivity.

Issues such as the use of natural resources, water, energy, oil and its derivatives, food, deforestation, directly affect 95% of the major advertising advertisers in the world. Including the great multinationals of consumer good products, health & care, oil companies, automotive companies, and even governments.

There are those who deny global warming, with arguments as weak as those who claim it. The truth is that the game has begun and consumers are waiting for sustainable answers. But at the same price and with the same quality.

This encyclical brings a crisis. It will be a disaster for brands that fail to understand the new paradigm of communication. It will be a disaster for green washing brands. But an opportunity for those who know how to take advantage of all the power of communicating good causes as a clue to transform organizations and society.

By Juan Della Torre – CEO & Founder de La Machi. (@juan_dellatorre)

30/05/2015 | 02:28

“No soy amigo personal del Papa, no lo conocía de antes, pero lo he visto dos, tres veces, y bendijo nuestros proyectos”, cuenta Juan Della Torre sin ocultar su emoción. “Sentís que te recibe como si fueras alguien especial, que es consciente de lo que venís haciendo por la sociedad. Dios es comunicación, es palabra. Entonces, los publicistas, al igual que los periodistas y los comunicadores en general, estamos haciendo una tarea que es sagrada”.
—¿Por qué fundaron una empresa y no una ONG?
—No quisimos ser ONG porque no nos interesa el voluntariado sino que creemos que hace falta comunicación profesional. Si uno quiere tener un gran capital humano, hay que pagarlo. Por eso tenemos nuestros honorarios. De todos modos, si alguna institución necesita una mano puede recurrir a nosotros. Cada cuatro meses elegimos un proyecto en el cual trabajamos de manera casi gratuita.
Por estos días, La Machi trabaja en un proyecto piloto en Portugal, a pedido del Apostolado de la Oración, la red de oración del Papa. “Nos plantearon que no podían llegar con su mensaje a los jóvenes. Entonces se nos ocurrió hacer una aplicación para ayudarlos a rezar, llamada “Click To Pray”. Pero en lugar de que la propuesta fuera netamente religiosa, nos propusimos reforzar el sentido de búsqueda que todos llevamos dentro”, cuenta Della Torre. Sin haber invertido un euro en publicidad sumaron más de cien mil usuarios en apenas tres meses. El proyecto fue considerado un caso de éxito.
Por Daniel Sousa | Publicado en la edición impresa y en la versión digital del diario Perfil.
Para ver la nota desde el sitio oficial haz click en este link:


Con 34 años, desarrolló una agencia de publicidad con la Iglesia como principal cliente. “El Papa hoy es la mejor marca del mundo”, desafía.

Ford tardó 140 años en construir su marca. A Apple le insumió dos décadas alcanzar el liderazgo del que goza. En cambio, el papa Francisco, que hoy es la mejor marca que existe en el mundo, tardó apenas diez meses en lograr esa posición”. Juan Della Torre lleva puesta la camiseta de Francisco, y no lo oculta. Hace tres años fundó La Machi, una “boutique creativa para buenas causas”, con oficinas en Buenos Aires y Barcelona, y casi desde el inicio comenzó a trabajar en proyectos vinculados al Vaticano.

Aristóteles decía que para transmitir una idea se pueden usar tres herramientas: la razón, la autoridad o el corazón. Hoy el Papa es el mejor comunicador del mundo porque se vincula con un gesto, un abrazo, una sonrisa. Ha encontrado la forma de transmitir el mensaje de la Iglesia desde el corazón”, sostiene. Trabajando en la agencia McCann-Erickson, el CEO de La Machi comenzó a notar que “las empresas gastaban muchísimo dinero en patrocinios deportivos. Hasta que un día, yendo a misa, pensé que los momentos más importantes de la vida, como bautizar a un hijo, casarse o despedir a un ser querido, no pasaban por un estadio sino en una iglesia, en una sinagoga. Las situaciones más emotivas para las personas no ocurren en el lugar donde están los sponsors. Por eso es que hay una gran oportunidad de comunicar a través de las buenas causas”, esgrime este experto en marketing de 34 años, también abogado.

Dispuesto a explorar ese campo, la primera cotización formal se la aceptaron los monjes trapenses de Azul. “La Iglesia es buena comunicadora –evalúa–, viene comunicando la misma historia desde hace 2.000 años. Una historia que, además, es difícil de creer racionalmente. Sin embargo, la ha sabido transmitir muy bien. Hoy nosotros queremos subirnos a esa historia porque entendemos que en algún momento hubo un divorcio entre hacer las cosas bien y comunicar el bien”.

Santo marketing. Con esa idea en mente, Della Torre viajó un mes a Roma a estudiar el tema. Se vinculó con una suerte de Dirección de Marketing de la Santa Sede, el Pontificio Consejo para las Comunicaciones Sociales. Al poco tiempo lo contrató Scholas Occurrentes, la red del Papa para la educación. Después vinieron los jesuitas, Aleteia (organización católica mundial de noticias) y la Red Informática de la Iglesia en América Latina. De a poco se fue acercando a Su Santidad. “Francisco no es mi cliente de manera directa –explica–, sino los dicasterios (ministerios), organizaciones y movimientos que funcionan dentro del Vaticano. Naturalmente, muchos de ellos tienen relación directa con él y nos van dando los lineamientos”.
Según Matías Colombres, a cargo de la oficina argentina de La Machi, el Vaticano invierte en la difusión de sus proyectos globales los mismos montos que cualquier empresa en campañas similares. “Aunque sin los sobreprecios que se suelen pagar en el mercado publicitario”, aclara el CEO de la agencia, con base en España. “Cuando se trata de este tipo de causas nosotros tiramos los números hacia abajo”.

Al Pontífice argentino se lo reconoce como el primero en poner tanto énfasis en los aspectos comunicacionales de la Iglesia Católica. Della Torre admite que es “una institución rara, la única en la que los recursos suben, van del párroco al Papa pasando por el obispo, pero las órdenes bajan. Es decir, es absolutamente jerárquica pero a la vez agradablemente anárquica. Cada obispo es ‘dueño’ de su diócesis y en materia de comunicación hay mucha libertad. Si uno repasa el presupuesto de una diócesis se gasta, quizás, 30% en reparaciones edilicias y nada en comunicación social, siendo que la misión de la institución es comunicar”.

Es por eso que ambos asumen con especial responsabilidad el lugar de privilegio que hoy ocupan. “No estamos vendiendo papas fritas. Si yo vendo papas fritas y a usted le caen mal, a los dos días se le pasa. Pero si yo comunico el producto ‘salvación de las almas’ y a usted le cae mal, no se recupera a los dos días. Va a estar mal por toda la eternidad”.

Por Daniel Sousa | Publicado en la edición impresa y en la versión digital del diario Perfil.

Para ver la nota desde el sitio oficial haz click en este link:


(Por Mercedes Beracochea@MechiBeracochea)


La Asociación Argentina de Marketing realizó el Marketing Day 2015. En el marco del evento, hubo un disertante al que quisimos darle especial relevancia: Juan Della Torre, un argentino radicado en Barcelona que creó La Machi, una agencia de comunicación de buenas causas y que tiene como principal cliente al Papa Francisco. Charlamos con él y esto fue lo que nos dijo…

– ¿Cuáles son las diferencias y las similitudes de La Machi con una agencia tradicional? La Machi es una boutique creativa de comunicación para buenas causas. Su característica diferencial es que integramos la teología de la comunicación al proceso creativo de las marcas e instituciones para las cuales trabajamos.

–  ¿Qué tiene que ver la teología de la comunicación con las marcas?
Que si te fijas la iglesia es la institución que más sabe de comunicación, viene comunicando una idea hace 2000 años.

– ¿Por qué crear una agencia de estas características?
Porque las buenas causas se merecen una buena comunicación. A veces nos contentamos con hacer el bien y nos parece que la comunicación es algo secundario y lo dejamos en manos de gente que no es profesional o voluntarios, pero las cosas salen bien cuando las cosas las manejan profesionales. Hay que aprender a hacer bien el bien.

– ¿Cómo se monetiza la comunicación de valores religiosos?
Nosotros no tenemos un ánimo de lucro con lo que hacemos. Pero si queremos hacer las cosas bien, esto requiere que podamos contratar buenos profesionales. Personas que además de estar comprometidas con las causas para las cuales trabajamos sean talentosas en su trabajo.

– ¿Cómo es “la cocina” de la comunicación de una personalidad como el Papa Francisco?
Si bien es cierto que tuvimos la oportunidad de contarle personalmente a Francisco algunos proyectos en los que hemos trabajado, nosotros no trabajamos directamente con el Papa sino que ayudamos a algunas instituciones católicas en su comunicación, y a lo que hemos hecho lo recibió con mucho cariño, y nos alentó a seguir adelante.

– ¿Cómo sobrevive en un país como Argentina -en el que el marketing social o la comunicación con fines sociales no monetiza- una agencia como La Machi? ¿Es posible en este país este tipo de estructura?
La Machi tiene un equipo creativo y de desarrollo tecnológico en Argentina y tiene una oficina de estrategia y atención al cliente en Barcelona, para atender a nuestros clientes europeos. Entonces la mayor parte de la creatividad y todo el desarrollo tecnológico que hacemos se produce en el país y se exporta a otros países de Latinoamérica y Europa.

“A new application to pray which aims to arrive to young people” is the title of the Catalan newspaper ARA to it’s video report on Click To Pray.

Juan Della Torre, CEO of La Machi, is interviewed to talk about the digital development and communication strategy that led the agency for the Apostleship of Prayer’s project in Portugal. Juan explains, among other things, what objectives the application seeks to satisfy, what results were obtained so far, how Pope Francis blessed the project and translates some statistics on the degree of religiosity that currently exists in Catalonia.



Media of Portugal announce the launch of a new mobile application called Click To Pray, developed to capture the attention of the youngest, who can download it for free. The application issues alerts in 3 daily moments: morning, afternoon and evening, to accompany them in their moments of prayer.

In this video, more information is provided by the comments of Father Antonio Valerio of the National Secretariat of the Apostleship of Prayer of Portugal and Juan Della Torre, CEO of La Machi.

Taking prayer with you… New phone app makes it possible.

Prayer has never been limited to a weekly Sunday mass. Now, a new app helps users pray at work, at home or even when communing. With Click To Pray, all you need to pray is well, within a click.

“Users can find short and simple prayers they can see in the morning, evening and before going to bed. The goal is to always keep God in mind” says Juan Della Torre, CEO of La Machi, the agency that was in charge of the development, creativity and positioning strategy of the application.

Click To Pray is a phone app that encourages users to pray for the Pope and his monthly intentions, also for family and friends. Its’ creators are proud to have given prayer a different beat. They say prayer can make every day special despite how different each day may be. The app automatically updates and changes it’s design and logo. It also invites users to pray every day for a different person.

“The app give users the Pope’s monthly intentions. We also have a social network where users can upload their own intentions, prayers and greetings that way we develop a community of prayer where users can give each other mutual support” suggests Della Torre.

In fact, Pope Francis himself blessed the app on the day of it’s launch. Click To Pray is available only in portuguese for now but already has been downloaded more than 10.000 times.

Dear friends,

We traveled to Rome to be part of the IX Professional Seminar for the Communication Offices of the Church (#churchcom14) that took place from April 28 to 30 at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce.

The arrival of Pope Francis has changed the way the Church presents itself to the world. The meetings with the Pope are getting closer and their messages, much more direct.

The international meeting was aimed at professionals in the field of communication of the Church and its main objective was to propose creative strategies to promote a cultural change, deepening in the characteristics and effects of this new form of communication.

It lasted 3 days and featured a large number of conferences and round tables. Among the speakers we could find the great names of the communication of the Church. The opening session was in charge of S.Em.R. Card. Timothy Michael Dolan, Archbishop of New York, who spoke about the cultural challenges for communicators of the Church. For its part, the last day of the Seminar was attended by Prof. Joaquín Navarro-Valls, former Director of the Press Office of the Holy See, who lived in the first line for so many years, along with John Paul II, the challenges of communication that the Church faces.

We also had the immense opportunity to present La Machi and exchange experiences with the community of Catholic communicators that were present there. Thank you for joining us in this adventure!


